Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Leaving for Paris

Had a great morning in Brussels. The hotel held onto our bags while we went to the Gallery Beaux Arts. I'm so glad we decided to go there today! I saw some works that really surprised me: Rembrandt, Van dyke, Jordaens, Boosch, Ruebens, Bruehgel! Just amazing, I had asked people on the way to Brussels what kind of art they had, the response was mediocre. Nancy and I had a really nice lunch at a 'traditional Irish pub'. I did a sketch after lunch and then we stopped by the internet cafe before we walk to the train station. We are now off to Paris!

thanks for the comments everyone!

1 comment:

Darlene Hunter said...

hi n & j; wow, amazing all that great art works was on display for you to enjoy. that is outstanding. i viewed on line the Pantone hotel you stayed at, very funky, yes very cool colours. very austim powers. still thinking of you both enjoying those waffles mmmmm, hope there are more pictures like that to come. oh, j, sold you rush tickets got all your money. i like your comment off to Paris, so cool! wewe madam & mesoiur. luv mom